Thursday, May 31, 2012

Soul Protector by Amanda Leigh Cowley (Review)

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publication Date: July 15th 2011
Pages: 280
Published By: Youwriteon
My Review Copy: Finished e-copy received from the author in exchange for an honest review

Where To Get:
Amazon                        Barnes & Noble                        Smashwords

After being dragged on a night out to celebrate a friend's birthday, Gracie discovers a unique talent. Doubting her sanity, she keeps it to herself while she tries to make sense of it, but unaware of her visible aura, she gets abducted by Dan; a handsome monitor. Once he establishes Gracie didn't know what she was doing, he helps her to recover before introducing her to the world of the Soul Protector.

Finally understanding the rules of being a Soul Protector, Gracie finds the courage needed to embrace her special gift. But she is unaware a secret from the past is waiting to catch up with her; one that will shock her to the core.


“Obviously something had temporarily messed with the laws of attraction in his brain. I wondered how long my luck would hold.”

“Of course, I didn’t know then that things were about to go rapidly downhill.”

“Why did people only come to visit me when I was in a mess? Maybe it was because I always seemed to be in a mess just lately.”

“And who escaped their teens and twenties without getting their heart broken at least once?”

“It was a few shades darker here than the rest of London, it seemed even the sunlight couldn’t be bothered to filter through properly.”

“My dad told me, during a rare sober moment, that no matter what you do in life you should always have a Plan B, because life rarely works out the way you imagine. If you have a Plan B, when the rug is pulled out from underneath you, you’ll be okay. You’ll know which direction to turn next. That was probably the only piece of useful advice he had every given me. And I’d disregarded it. I didn’t have a Plan B.”

My Thoughts:

            I received a request to review this book based on my review posted for Samantha Towle’s novel, First Bitten and Poppet’s novel Zauran. Amanda Leigh Cowley is also from across the pond, and her book had much more slang and different spellings than American English. I loved the differences and learning some of the slang, and look forward to reading the next book in the series!

            This book is actually the first in a new paranormal romance series that had a storyline I haven’t read before. Basically, Soul Protectors are people who can insert part of their soul into another person’s body and help that person. When Gracie finds out what she is, she flips out! The dialogue and thoughts, as the book is written from Gracie’s perspective, are very realistic and interesting. Her feelings, thoughts, and emotions are well written and are not only realistic, but also humorous at times. I really feel like I can relate to her as a character, and I definitely sympathize with her as she navigates this new Soul Protector, or SP world that she finds herself thrust into.

            This book was a fast-paced, fun read, and I feel that all of the stories that Amanda began in this novel were nicely tied up by the end. A word of WARNING though… I said that all of the stories were nicely tied up by the end, but there are quite a few twists and turns along the way that show incredible planning and foresight as an author. I’m extremely looking forward to seeing what exciting twists and turns the next book in the series brings, and if there’s any other seeds that were planted in this first novel that show up in the later books in the series… we will have to wait and see. I definitely recommend this book to readers as a refreshing and skillfully crafted story in the paranormal book world!

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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